So what are the best kind of questions when it comes to your business?
“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”
~ Voltaire
What is an open ended question? One that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no.
In my program last week “Seven Strategies to create Profitable Sales” one of the strategies presented was to ask open ended questions to your customers and prospects to find out what they really want and need.
I gave several examples that I will share with you.
Note: I usually ask for permission to ask a few questions before beginning.
My favorite one is “What is your biggest challenge or need in in the area that we provide products or services?”
The next thing to do is LISTEN and take good notes. Answers to these question will give you a much greater chance of success in selling!
Value your time and your life. A good friend of mine, Lynn Guillory was buried yesterday in Plano, Texas. He was truly a good man – kind, enthusiastic, spiritual, and he made a difference in my life. Even though I hadn’t seen him in years, he had a positive impact on my life and for that I am grateful.
Think of how you could make a difference in someone’s life – and then take action! 🙂
BE GRATEFUL and spread kindness – it will all come back to YOU!!
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